Self Storage Tips
Published on 1/18/2022
Important Guidelines
- Do not store such things as hazardous or toxic materials, flammable liquids, food, old paint, propane tanks, cleaning supplies, or tires. (This is not a complete list. If you are not sure if you should store something, please contact us.)
- Use a disc lock to secure your unit. We provide a free disc lock on move-in. These locks are harder to cut than standard locks. We do not keep a key to your lock.
- Purchase insurance to protect your property. Please remember that The Storage Lot does not insure your property.
- Don't put your items directly on the floor. Use pallets, furniture covers, moving pads, or something similar to keep furniture and cardboard boxes off the floor.
- Don’t over pack your unit. When placing items in your unit, leave some space around your items to allow for air flow.
- Open the unit every month or so to inspect and air out, especially in hot, humid weather.
- Use a moisture absorber such as Damp Check®.
- When moving out of your unit:
- Take everything with you and don’t leave any trash
- Leave the unit in broom-swept condition
- Remove your lock
- Contact us so that you are not billed for additional days
Packing Tips
- Don’t use newspaper to wrap items that can be damaged by ink stains.
- Pack items from each room (kitchen, living room, garage) together.
- Boxes are better than plastic bags when storing items. Boxes can be stacked and are easier to organize.
- Clearly mark each box with the room as well as a general description of the contents. This will help when you’re ready to unpack!
- Put larger items in the back of your unit and try leave pathways for future use.
- Put items you may need to access more frequently at the front of your unit.
- Moisture, Mold & Mildew -Mold & mildew can be a problem in humid summers. We recommend using a product such as Damp Check® to help prevent mildew, mold, and musty odors. This will reduce moisture in the air inside the storage unit thereby protecting clothes, books, and furniture. Concrete can sweat from temperature change. Cardboard boxes, cloth, or a mattress set directly on concrete can draw moisture from the concrete floor. Protect your goods by laying down plastic or setting boxes up on pallets or blocks. Air circulation space between boxes and walls helps prevent mold and mildew. Hard rain or melting ice may cause water seepage around doors so keep sensitive items off the floor near doors.
- Books – Pack books flat to protect the spines. Use small boxes so that the boxes don’t become too heavy to move.
- Breakable glass and dishes – Wrap each item separately in clean wrapping paper or bubble wrap. Nest cups and bowls. Fill empty spaces with styrofoam peanuts, wrapping paper, or bubble wrap. Clearly mark the box with “Fragile” and don’t place these boxes under other heavy boxes.
- Furniture – Wrap wooden legs and surfaces to prevent scratches. Cover upholstered pieces with sheets. Disassembling larger pieces such as tables and beds will save space. Be sure to put all hardware in a plastic bag and clearly label it with the description of the furniture. Use space inside drawers to store smaller items.
- Mirrors – Wrap in bubble wrap and store on its edge. Do not store flat.
- Appliances – Clean and dry them thoroughly before storage. Refrigerators and freezers should be completely defrosted and dry before placing them in storage. Washing machines should be drained. Smaller items can be stored inside stoves and other larger appliances. It’s a good idea to leave doors slightly open while in storage.
- Electronics – Label the ends of the cords and cables to make setup easier.
- Bicycles and other metal items – Wipe the surface with a little machine oil to retard rust.
- Lamps - Separate lamps and lampshades and wrap them for protection.
- Vacuum cleaner – Clean out the bag before placing it in storage to prevent odors.
- Lawnmowers – The fuel should be drained before storing it in your unit.